
Professional cleaners and pest control experts are coming together to provide valuable advice on how to keep your home free from unwanted visitors like spiders, bugs, and rodents this autumn. As the temperature drops and the weather gets wetter, pests are more likely to seek shelter in warm, dry environments – which could mean your home. To prevent an infestation, it’s crucial to maintain a clean and hygienic household.

Remove Potential Food Sources

One of the key steps in keeping pests away is to eliminate potential food sources that could attract them to your home. Make sure to rinse out cans and bottles before recycling them, and always keep your bin covered with a lid. Additionally, be diligent about putting dirty dishes straight into the dishwasher and wiping down kitchen surfaces and floors after cooking. Store food in cupboards rather than leaving it out on the counter, and fix any leaks promptly to avoid attracting pests that are looking for water sources.

Seal Entry Points

Another important measure to take is to seal up any small holes or cracks that pests could be using to enter your home. By closing off these entry points, you can help prevent pests from finding their way inside. If you notice any droppings or evidence of pests, disinfect the area thoroughly to remove any harmful pathogens they may carry. Vacuum up any egg sacs or larvae from insects immediately to prevent them from hatching and causing further issues.

Declutter Your Garage

Alastair Mayne, chief operating officer at Garolla, emphasizes the importance of decluttering your garage to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for pests. Many people use their garage as a storage space for items like Christmas decorations, recycling, bikes, and tools, but this can lead to a buildup of clutter that attracts pests. By decluttering your garage and implementing effective storage solutions, you can transform it into a functional and versatile extension of your living space. Not only will this make it easier to access your belongings, but it could also uncover valuable items that you can sell for extra cash.

By following these expert tips and taking proactive steps to maintain a clean and organized home, you can effectively keep pests like spiders, bugs, and rodents at bay this autumn. Remember to stay vigilant and address any pest issues promptly to prevent them from becoming a larger problem in the future.