
Jean Langan, an 87-year-old retired civil servant, tragically lost her life due to a helicopter accident at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, Devon. She had gone to the hospital with her niece to have a hearing aid fitted and was walking back to their car in the hospital car park when the incident occurred on March 4, 2022.

According to a statement from her family read at the inquest, both Mrs. Langan and her niece were knocked over by the strong air created by the helicopter’s landing. This resulted in Mrs. Langan sustaining fatal head injuries, leading to her passing shortly after the accident. The family expressed their shock and grief over her sudden and violent death, highlighting her importance as the eldest member of their family who was always there for them.

Described as a devoted grandmother and a proficient knitter, Mrs. Langan was known for her efficiency during her time in the Civil Service before retiring. The family shared that she had lived in her home for over 30 years and had a routine of walking the family dog daily. They emphasized that her death, caused by circumstances beyond her control, has deeply impacted them.

During the inquest, CCTV footage from the hospital car park was reviewed, showing individuals walking near the helipad wall and being knocked down as the helicopter landed. Dr. Amanda Jeffery, a Home Office pathologist, revealed that Mrs. Langan suffered significant head injuries from being swept off her feet and falling backwards during the incident. She passed away approximately three-and-a-half hours later, with the cause of death determined to be a head injury.

The inquest, expected to span five days, is ongoing as further details are examined to understand the sequence of events leading to Mrs. Langan’s tragic death. The family’s statement and the testimonies of witnesses shed light on the impact of the accident and the loss of a beloved family member in a devastating manner. The community mourns the loss of Mrs. Langan and seeks answers to prevent similar incidents in the future, ensuring the safety of all individuals in hospital settings.