
Why Energy-Wasting Appliances on Standby are Costing You Money

In today’s modern world, where technology reigns supreme, it’s easy to overlook the impact that our appliances have on our energy bills. Many of us may not give a second thought to the devices that quietly drain power in our homes, but the truth is that these energy-wasting appliances can add up over time, leading to higher electricity costs. While they may not be the main culprits for soaring energy bills, leaving appliances on standby can still have a significant impact on your wallet.

Real estate expert and owner of Bramlett Residential, Eric Bramlett, has identified the top appliances that you should never leave on standby. According to Eric, turning off these energy-hogging devices when not in use can lead to substantial savings on your energy bills. Here are the top 5 energy-wasting appliances to avoid leaving on standby:

1. Games Consoles

Games consoles are a common fixture in many households, providing hours of entertainment for gamers of all ages. However, these devices come with a significant energy cost, even when they are in standby mode. While they may have energy-saving features, many users neglect to fully power them down, leading to unnecessary energy consumption.

According to Eric Bramlett, games consoles can be real energy hogs on standby. One of his clients saw a noticeable drop in their energy bills after turning off their console when not in use. The Energy Saving Trust has pointed out that game consoles can account for about six percent of a household’s energy bill, making them a significant contributor to high electricity costs. Consistently turning off your console when not in use can lead to substantial savings over time.

2. Cable or Satellite Boxes

Another common culprit for energy wastage is cable or satellite boxes. These devices, when left on standby, consume power similar to games consoles. Eric Bramlett shared that a friend of his saw a difference in their monthly energy bills after unplugging their cable box when not in use. By taking simple steps like this, households can reduce unnecessary energy consumption and lower their electricity costs.

3. Older Appliances

As appliances age, they become less efficient and start using more power, often due to malfunctioning parts. One of the main offenders for high energy consumption is an old fridge. While it’s not always feasible to turn off such appliances, upgrading to a newer, more efficient model can be a smart decision in the long run. By investing in energy-efficient appliances, households can reduce their energy consumption and save money on their electricity bills.

4. Microwave Ovens

Microwave ovens, while convenient for quick meals, can also contribute to energy wastage when left on standby. Even when not in use, microwaves draw power to keep the clock display running. To save energy, consider unplugging the microwave or using a power strip to switch it off completely. By taking simple steps like this, households can reduce their electricity consumption and lower their energy bills.

5. Desktop Computers

Desktop computers are known for consuming more energy than laptops, making them another common culprit for high electricity costs. To save energy and reduce your electricity bills, it’s important to always turn off desktop computers completely when not in use. Eric Bramlett emphasized the importance of shutting down desktop computers to watch your bills melt away. By taking simple steps like this, households can reduce their energy consumption and save money on their electricity bills.

In conclusion, energy-wasting appliances on standby can have a significant impact on your energy bills over time. By being mindful of the devices you leave on standby and taking simple steps to power them down when not in use, you can reduce unnecessary energy consumption and save money on your electricity bills. Take Eric Bramlett’s advice to heart and start making changes today to lower your energy costs and lead a more sustainable lifestyle.