
Sir Ian McKellen, a beloved actor and two-time Oscar nominee, recently revealed his plans for the future following a fall on stage during a play’s fight scene at the Noel Coward Theatre. The 85-year-old actor shared that he intends to take the rest of the year off from acting to focus on recovering from the injuries he sustained during the fall.

McKellen explained that he has been feeling physically weak after the incident, which resulted in wrist and neck injuries. He acknowledged the emotional toll of the fall, stating, “We all trip all our lives, it’s just when you get to my age you can’t always get up again.” Despite the challenges he faces, the Burnley-born actor remains determined to overcome his injuries through exercise and treatment.

Reflecting on the fall, McKellen expressed concerns about the effects of aging on his physical well-being. He admitted, “I’m just trying to convince myself it was an accident.” The fall, which resulted in a chipped vertebrae and fractured wrist, has prompted the actor to reevaluate his approach to work and prioritize his health and well-being.

While McKellen initially planned to take time off to recover, news of a new series of “The Lord of the Rings” films has reignited his enthusiasm for acting. With Andy Serkis set to direct and star in the first installment titled “The Hunt for Gollum,” McKellen hinted at the possibility of reprising his role as the iconic wizard Gandalf. He teased, “I may even be going back to play Gandalf again,” suggesting that his involvement in the franchise may continue in the future.

In addition to his acting aspirations, McKellen shared his thoughts on the current political landscape, particularly the US presidential election. As Vice President Kamala Harris faces off against former president Donald Trump, McKellen expressed his interest and concern for the outcome. He criticized Trump’s leadership, highlighting his prejudices, ignorance, and incompetence, while praising the importance of listening to differing perspectives and finding common ground.

As the interview with Sir Ian McKellen in the Big Issue reveals, the esteemed actor’s future plans are shaped by a combination of personal reflection, professional opportunities, and social consciousness. In the face of challenges and uncertainties, McKellen remains resilient and optimistic about the possibilities that lie ahead.